The “big idea” behind this blog

Welcome to my name changing blog

The whole idea of me, creating this website came when my best friend decided to get married, and then got divorced a couple of months after. When I was listening to his moaning about how complicated the process is and how he doesn’t know how to get started I thought…

Why wouldn’t I create a blog, where all these people who feel lost and clueless how to change their names, can find a guide where things could be explained simple and understandable, and the most importantly, for free. We all know how expensive is to seek advice from a solicitor or other legal institution. Not only there are charging you loads of money, but I also get the feeling they are trying convince you that changing your name is a rocket science, where you need to pay couple of hundred pounds to their company. Do you know what? Did you know that there is actually no need to speak with a single person to change your name? There is a wide variety of website that are offering the service called deedpoll (one of the ways to legally change your name). You can order all the documents necessary for the process and simply send them to HM Passport office for approval. Moreover, you will be surprised that most of the websites offer a guarantee for the service. From the research I did the prices may vary between £10 and £90. In many cases that depends of the number of duplicate copies you want to order.

To finish off this “welcome post” I want to say big “Thank you!” to my friend Matthew, who has been though a lot lately. You have inspired me to start this blog and hopefully we both will help many people with our quirky, little blog posts.



Why should I change my name?

Why Should I Change My Name

Changing your name can be really stressful and inconvenient process. In many times changing your name requires big expenditure and it is important, a person to be prepared what to expect from the process before he/she decide to change his/her current name legally. Before you start the process, thereare a few things that you need to keep in mind – first, what kind of budget you have in mind and second, is it your name you want to change or the name of your child? There are several different ways to change your name, so it depends on your personal situation with what option you will choose to proceed.


If you still do not get it, but you are convinced to change your name (I don’t like mine either) continue reading, because in some of the following posts I will describe in detail what your options are, and how to change your name cheap and hassle-free. I am also planning to make a comprehensive research and blog about all the confusing details around the subject of name changing. In the end, do not be surprised if I change my name too. After all the research I am planning to do, I should test the service myself, don’t I?