Why would you want to change your name?

Simple question. Simple answer. Yet, the process is not that simple. It depends whether you are getting married or divorced, and do you want to change your name or the name of your child. While I was researching for this blog post I saw people posting comments that they changed their name because they were difficult to pronounce or spell. Let’s admit it. We are all getting annoyed when someone doesn’t get our name from the first time, and we need to spell it over and over again. I can’t imagine what would be the feeling when your name has unusual spelling or you are originally from another country. My point is, yes. Go ahead and change it, if you need to.

Worst-case scenario is you or your family to be followed by someone and you want to avoid that person/persons finding you. In this case changing your name and respectfully the names of all your family members could give you the opportunity of a fresh start.

If you simply don’t like your name and there is nothing else to amuse you today, I suggest to go online and change your name. I dare you to!

Here is a cute video I found online. Awwww


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