The best way to pick your new name?

Okay, once you decided that you need your name changed you have to pick up a new one. I reckon this process might be long and stressful, as you need to be fully satisfied with the name you will choose. Most people who want to change their names have an idea what kind of name they fancy, as other like my friend Mattew hasn’t got a clue. An interesting observation is how names that you once quite liked seems to sound unnatural and funny to you, once you start thinking about your name. If you have been struggling with this very first step of the process, I will give you a couple of tips how to get over it and continue the procedure.

How to pick your new name

First, when thinking about your new name, you will probably do some research on the topic. You will probably start paying more attention what are the names of the people around you and how famous movie stars have been called. Secound, you have to think is this name suits you as a person. Naming yourself “Candy Moore” if you are big bold guy with lots of tattoos isn’t probably the best idea in the world. And third, don’t overdo it. If you spend too much time thinking about your new name, there is a very good chance you won’t change it at all. One last tip, there is a whole study built around names and their history and origins called onomastics. More information about it can be found in my next blog post.

You could find some inspiration here… Another “Awww”

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